Revival Art House
We're the co-owners of a soulful, up and coming art gallery in the center of the Northshore... Revival Art House! We are the home of over 200+ unique local artists & small craft businesses. With 3600 sq ft in a prime location (off 2 major interstates, I-12 and 1-55 in Ponchatoula), we bring in folks from Nola, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Covington & more. Our mission is to connect you with local artists (& vice versa) so you can fill your home with original, authentic pieces that will make your soul soar.

About the Owner's Work

Over 200+ Artists Under One Roof!
We are lucky to have grown Revival Art House from 25 artists (in 2019) to over 200+ fabulous makers from all over the Southern region. We are thankful to our customers & community for giving us this opportunity to bring lovely, unique pieces to your homes & businesses. Art comes in DAILY! So check back often to see what's new— RAH is never the same place twice!